Sunday, January 29, 2017

Week 73: The week that was kinda....


a lot of effort was put into staying warm.

This didn't stop them from having an emergency drill on Tuesday.

earthquake followed by Tsunami. 

It was actually kinda fun, and I kept warm.

Not much happened during the week actually. Started teaching some of the 6th graders the "fairytales" lesson. We're doing a different approach to it, they only have to tell a SECTION of a story.  So I took two stories and cut them into 4 and 5 pieces so everyone could have one.  The stories are "the horse that ran away" and "Hansel and Gretel" I gotta say, every time I told Hansel and Gretel, I'd take a step back from the board and say "this is an awful story. Why do we tell this story to children?"

You know, in the original story, it was their actual mother that suggested leaving them in the forest, not their "wicked step mother"

Anyhow, the kids like it, they're 6th grade, a bit of horror interests them.

In one of my other classes the 6th graders are doing an "all about me" book, so they had to do and "I can" page, and we reviewed a couple of the basic "I can" starter phrases

"I can play___"
"I can play the____"
"I can do____"
"I can make___"

And one student stared at his paper for a while and finally wrote "I can speak Japanese"

I laughed and made him re-do it.

Despite the very un-interesting week, I managed to get out on Saturday anyhow.  Even though there wasn't a SINGLE FESTIVAL GOING ON.

The hardships I go through.

Instead I went to a temple market with a friend.

So, temple markets are when the temple allows people to come in and set up stalls and sell stuff.  You get a lot of random things.

old Kimono


random antiques


It's basically a giant rummage sale, and you KNOW how I feel about those!  I managed to not buy much, so I'm very proud of myself. :)

I think one of my favorite displays was the bonsai section.

baby trees! (you could tell some of those things were OLD)


And there was the monkey guy again!

And we found a guy with a bird!

I'm a disney princess!

they liked to feel tall.

And some people with dogs!

we pet doggies!

In all, it's a very friendly environment, with people just chilling and having a good time.  and of course, since it was in a temple, we saw some temple stuff.

gravestones. I believe.

Oh, now this I liked. These are blessing mallets.

little hammers!

You rub touch them to the blessing thing, then pat the part of you that needs blessing!  Like if your shoulder hurts, you tap your shoulder with the hammer!  With the added bonus of a massage! :)

We had fun and managed to keep each other from buying too much.  My big purchase was a bag of oranges. :)

Hope you're all doing well!

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