Saturday, December 31, 2016

Week 69: Merry Christmas!

Christmas!  I did not write this last week because I was in the States. Yes, there was internet, no there was no time.  We were very busy.

busy busy

It was an interesting week though!

Classes were Monday through Wednesday.  I made sure to get gifts to the co-teachers.

I made it myself!

(gave me something to do during down time at school)

And I enjoyed the Christmas decorations around town.


I taught the Christmas lessons, and on Wednesday, it was only a half day, so the lessons were REALLY short. :)  Then, around lunch, the vice principal said "as a Christmas present, you can go home after lunch."  I went home 3 hours early!  WOOO!

Best Christmas present EVER.

Especially since I hadn't packed yet.

So I spent all Wednesday afternoon packing.

Thursday was no school for the kids, but we had a half office day.

This was especially entertaining, because....Ok, you know what, I'll give you a blow by blow of Thursday.

First of all, I had two big suitcases to haul around, so I called a taxi.  (because I'm lazy) and the forecast called for rain.  So I got them up to the train platform, my two big suitcases and my little carry on, and the doors open and I remember, It's rush hour.  The train is PACKED.  And I'm like "oh well, next one won't be any better. So I haul them on!  When I get to Osaka, I'm glad to see it's not raining, but there's no time to drop my suitcases in a locker, so I drag them to the office day. (everyone's like "well, KIM'S ready to go!")

Officially, the office day is supposed to stop at 12:30, but last year it ended at 10:30, so I banked on that and had my flight out leaving at 2:30.  (which is cutting it close if we stay until 12:30, because both airports are a good distance away)

We met, we talked, we had a good time (it's so fun to get to talk shop!)  And...they let us go at 10:30! woo!

We're all ready to go.

Really nice, the airport limo bus left from the same building complex the office is in. :)  So I didn't have to haul my bags far at ALL.

I flew out of Itami airport this time, I just prefer it in general.

with a mascot like that, who wouldn't?

And I took the chance to walk around the airport and get Pokemon.

seasonal Pikachu!

And then the flying started.

ladies and gentlemen, please turn off your brains for the next few hours.

I do like Tokyo airport, it's entertaining.

kimono trying for those with the layover time

nice, big, dimly lit lounge area with various couches


flying on a double-decker plane!

Ok, I will admit, I wasn't impressed with the double decker plane.


Thankfully they have an app that lets you watch the movies on your device.  If you have the latest app.  (which I did)  but STILL.  This meant they had a main movie screen they played a movie on anyhow, at all hours of the night.  :p

I FINALLY made it over to San Francisco, (remembering that even though I have been traveling for HOURS, thanks to the international date line, it is still Thursday.)

 And through customs.  (there were 14 booths, but only 4 people working our section. I was NOT impressed.)

AND TO MY GATE. (place is a maze)

I curled up on my carry on and fell asleep, knowing I had about 4 hours layover. (I was so tired)

I rolled over and changed position a few times, each time looking up enough to check the time.  Finally, feeling a little better, I opened my eyes and asked the girl next to me "what time is it?"

"It's 2:25"

I think "oh, well, I think I leave at 4:30, but I should check."

I looked at my ticket.  It did not say 4:30.  It said 14:30.  (2:30, for those not in the know)


But...this flight that is loading is not mine. did I get delayed?

Went to a giant screen...I was at the wrong GATE.  in almost the wrong TERMINAL.

Thank you adrenaline, I feel awake now.

I got there in time for my section to board. :)

By the time I got to SLC, I was SO GLAD to stop traveling.

And see family!

(David/Rachel section)

ALL WEEK I was misplacing my phone, so I did NOT get as many pictures as I wanted.  Very disappointing.

We did some Christmas crafts!

They did so well!

And we had outings!


this is off the kid's menue

so is this.

And we played around

Dani and Jared

And we had a white Christmas!

very white


We were fairly surprised, as Christmas eve, it had been raining pretty hard. :)


i'm still impressed the kids held back on the presents until after Church. :)

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