This week was fun! In Wednesday school, the 5th graders had their Flea Market!
they had fun! |
This is a really fun thing. We take about a month and practice buying and selling phrases, and the kids take the second half of the class to plan and execute a shop! They decide what they're selling, how much to charge for it, which items can be discounted (and by how much) and prep things to sell! They can make these items via origami, drawing pictures, or some of them cut items out of advertisements. Then on flea market day, they set up their store, and half go out to buy and half stay with their store. 10 minutes later they change places!
There were all kinds of shops!
Ice cream store! |
shoe shop |
fashion shop |
My Origami shop! |
Of course I joined in! What fun! I had a limited selection, if for no other reason than that I had to cover 4 classes. The kids really liked it though! The last group bought out EVERYTHING, no matter how much I charged for it! I was completely sold out, put my sign down, waiting for the last three minutes to go out, and a kid came up and bought the fish I was idly folding before it was even done! I went after and gathered some of the leftover stuff as examples of what some of them sold.
traded a fish for that dress! |
But yeah! It was a lot of fun!
It was also a tiring week! My schools had me working an extra class almost every day, so it wasn't overwhelming, but just a little more tiring than normal.
I did Christmas lessons with Thursday and Friday school! Thursday school did reindeer! This is, for some reason, a hilarious lesson for me to do. SO! The idea is to make THIS.
only I used paper for the eyes and nose too. |
If you can't tell, the antlers are hands and the head is a foot.
So I start by having them trace their hands. I have them repeat "trace 2 hands and cut" (making sure they know what I'm saying through a bunch of miming and demonstrating)
This is where it starts getting funny. Because more than once, I had to convince a child that if they put their hand in the MIDDLE of the paper, they couldn't fit two hands on there. (and no, I was not giving them another paper. One was plenty) The kids with bigger hands, I often had to show that they could fit it if they inverted one hand. And some of them got the idea to fold it in half and cut out two in one go. Those, I was proud of.
Then, so often, they'd sit there staring at it, like "wow. I drew a great hand. This looks fantastic. I wonder if I was supposed to do anything else? Those other students cutting out the hands aren't cluing me in at all. Maybe I should distract them by showing them these beautiful hands."
Sometimes they'd cut out one hand and start playing with it. Fanning themselves, high fiving, measuring it against other students, and I'm sitting there going "HURRY UP."
After ONE student finishes with the hands, I tell them what to do for the head. "Trace 1 foot!" and to make sure they know what I"m talking about, I hold up my foot.
Utter confusion. I'm not sure if it's "but feet or dirty" but I'm pretty sure it was more "how am I supposed to get my foot on my desk to trace it?"
One teacher had to TELL the students to put the paper on the floor or on their chair, because some of the students were TRYING to put their foot on the desk. It did not COMPUTE that the paper could go elsewhere. One girl, I was watching for a little, because she put the paper on her chair, but was having trouble getting her foot onto it, because she HADN'T STOOD UP YET. She kept scooting back farther to fit both herself and her foot on the chair and I kept wondering if she was gonna pull it off or if she was gonna fall over backwards! The teacher told her to stand up. :P
Friday school, the 5th graders did snowflakes! They love snowflakes, and they did very well. One of them obviously had some experience, as he made snowmen and trees... :)
Wednesday I went to see lights with a friend! Weren't quite as cool as Kobe, but still very pretty.
there was music too! |
They had some mapping too! I'm not sure what it's called. Projection mapping?
It projects onto a building and uses the architecture in the show. |
It was pretty darn cool. :)
We wandered back and checked out the displays in some of the store windows.
they were...actually kinda creepy when looked at closer. |
Saturday was fun! It was the ward Christmas party, and the person they asked to be Mary couldn't make it, so I was asked to take over. Then when I got there, they went to pick up the first Mary, so I was, instead, asked to be a Wise Man. TALK ABOUT MISCASTING.
Darn shawl kept falling off. |
It was for the best, really, because the one who ended up playing Mary was also the mom of "Jesus", the youngest member of our ward. :) And I carried the kid when the Mom was busy with other stuff in the show. It all went well, and they didn't ask me to say anything.
After the Nativity, we had some activities.
I'm not sure what it is, but it involves cake |
Well, turns out it was cake decorating!
We had the kids in our group. |
I said "Let's make a snowman"
We won. |
our competition. |
In their defense, they didn't have the setup for pictures. |
I'm gonna be honest, mostly we did the basics and stood back and let the kids have fun. :)
Then we ate
and sang.
In all, a very good party!
I made a flan!
Every time I make it, I'm reminded of how easy it is. Didn't stop me from almost ruining the first one, of course. Yes. This is my second.
So, my first one, I wanted the sugar dark. Well, I let it get a little TOO dark. (It's like as soon as I turned off the heat, it decided to speed cook!) THEN, I put the custard in and put it into the oven for and hour! When I went back downstairs to check on it 30 minutes later, the timer said 55 min.
This oven is different. When you open it, it pauses, and won't re-start until you close the door and press the re-start button. So someone had come in 5 minutes after I started it, opened the door, and had NOT PRESSED the re-start button! Which mean that the oven had KINDA cooked some of my flan while it was cooling off for 30 minutes. (what I said at this point is un-printable. mostly because the weren't actual syllables)
So I was like "FINE." and set it to 50 minutes anyhow, because it was gonna have to heat up again! Well, I ended up burning some of the top. The next night, when I finally got to try it out, the sugar wasn't too burnt, and the burned part of the custard could be taken off, so it was actually kinda tasty, but not something I could take to the party and it is TOTALLY possible to eat an entire flan on your own.
The flan I took to the party I made that same day and no one opened the oven, so that was a relief. :)
Hope you're all having a great time!
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