Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 34: Happy Birthday to me! :D

Well! not much to talk about the week itself. :)

I'm getting more used to my schools.  The students are getting used to me. Friday school is the same, so they are, of course, the most adjusted to me. Used to my humor. UNDERSTAND THAT I DON'T SPEAK JAPANESE.

They're cute, and energetic, and it helps a lot.

Oh! and my headache is gone! Yay!  I'm still tired a lot of the time, but the same thing happened last start of school.  It's just getting used to using up all that energy.  Should be improving this next week. I hope.

But yeah, lately, I get home from work, and just kinda hide in my room. And wait for bedtime.  :)  When my birthday rolled around on Friday, I was like "all I want for my birthday is to eat too much cake, watch too much TV, and SLEEP."

let's hear it for goal setting!

I made a cake!  Someone gave me a great (and easy) recipe, and so I tried it out!  Of course, I used a half recipe, and I had a pie tin, so there was too much batter for that. So I poured the rest into a rice cooker, and that cooked that bit.

Then, because I didn't want to mess with frosting (do you know how much powdered sugar COSTS over here?!) I just made some ganache and poured it over the top.  Not pretty.  But tasty.

I left the pie tin cake downstairs for others to have as a "it's my birthday!" gift to them.

I think it was a little strong for most of the Asians...

Then hid in my room and ate the rice cooker piece all by myself.  :)  It was far too much cake, but I don't feel bad about it at all.  (it was maybe 1/4 of the mix, which was half a mix,, not a full cake by far)

Then on Saturday, for my birthday itself, I gave myself a few gifts.

the gift of clean laundry

the gift of a clean room

And then I went to a Jazz festival with some friends from the house!


It was in Shiga, which I hadn't been to yet, so that was nice.  Kinda small place, but they had quite a few groups, and lots of variety in genre (very little of it was actually jazz)

They had an art/interactive section

We kept talking about how we wanted one, but where would we PUT it?

We had some lunch.

deer curry. Pretty tasty.

We listened to some bands.

He's clearly the sax symbol of the group.

They needed a separate singer, but their guitar work was great!

These guys are called W-D4, and they were pretty awesome!

obviously community band, but well done!

They had a "flea market" type area

"I don't need more stuff, I don't need more stuff!"

And a...I hesitate to call it "indie" but it was definitely an "alternative" section.  With all the kinds of people you would expect, and a DJ mixing sounds that were...interesting.

I thought I would enjoy it if it were a few decibels lower...

I think some of my favorite things was going around and reading the names of the bands (well, the ones I could read)

chicken souL

And there was even a pretty good rendition of Johnny B Goode. we caught!  :)

And of course, I got to show off my new skirt.

Not the greatest shot, but hey.

Those of you whom I told know why this is cool for me.  It used to be a shirt.  I was bored and made it into a skirt. :)  I'm very proud of it.

Anyhow, we started going back a little early because rain was threatening, and by the time we got back it had been drizzling for a little, so I had to go in and pull my futons off the balcony where I had been airing them out.  Happily, they mostly dried by bedtime. :)

So, not terribly exciting birthday, but exactly what I wanted this time.  :D

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you need to take a break from the exciting life. I'm glad you got what you wanted for your birthday. Happy, happy one.
