Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 33: Back to school!

So! I've been tired all week!  And hungry!

One of my friends said "you should sleep and eat more"

I'm like "...thanks."

I mean, I get my 8 hours, I wake up easily a little before my alarm.  Then an hour later I'm ready to go back to sleep.  Thursday I ate 4 full meals, and that's not counting all the snacking I did!  I think my body is getting used to the energy use again.

It doesn't help that I'm fighting a bit of a constant headache.  Why?

Well....Tuesday was my first day back at school.  And it was a half day.  So we did some whirlwind introductions to the students, and then they all left at 12:30, after which I had lunch.  And then I had nothing to do. for the next 3 and half hours. (if I leave early, the company cuts my pay for the day)  So I sorted and catalogued the supplies they had for me there.  I drew pictures for some songs.

Monkeys jumping on the bed!

And then they had a meeting at 2, where they didn't want to bore me, so they shuffled me off into another room, where I sorted and catalogued supplies, drew, and finally just played on my phone.  After a little I STILL got bored, so I did a couple of hand stands.  Because why not?  I was very cautious, of course, because can you imagine if someone looked in on me?

Well, I was doing well, and I guess I was doing too well, because I thought "Hey, I wonder if I could try a walk over?"  Well, I underestimated the fall power, and  slipped and conked my head on the (cement) floor. (that carpet had NO cushioning on it.)  and it wasn't REALLY hard, but it was just the right force and angle that I was like "Yup, that's gonna cause me trouble later"

And of course, I can't say anything to them because how do you explain that you got bored, tried to do a walkover in a suit, and then conked your head?  While sounding professional?  And in Japanese?

If it's not better in a week, I'm gonna hunt down a chiropractor.

Most of this week was being tired and hungry.  I gotta say, my bike ride for most of the week is along the river, and it's a really pretty ride.  Some of those trees are really fragrant, and my only complaint is that in the afternoon the gnats come out. :P

Saturday was lovely as well. (we are varying absolutely lovely days with rainy days)  So I figured I'd go out and see a regatta thing.  (it involves boats) which was the ONLY thing going on this weekend.  I mean, really.

I got lost.


On a train, so I lost about 40 minutes. You can't turn around quick on those things.

When I finally showed up, the races and shows were over.  But it was a lovely day.

And so I decided to walk along the river.  There were still SOME boats.

And as I walked, I found some sort of traditional dancing...thing.

there was something like this at the Obon festival I went to too.

It was huge and full of people doing these dances. And the people on the platform would lead, and everyone would follow them.  But I got the feeling these dances were mostly memorized anyhow.

Mostly I enjoyed the sun and watching all the pretty kimono.

it Glistened!

I could tell they were groups because lots had matching kimono. (or yukata. Haven't learned how to tell the difference yet.)

And of course there was the lovely sun.  And flowers. And that wonderful fresh growth we have named "spring green"

it is SO fragrant around here this time of year.

And there was even a little beach!

obligatory "try to dig to the center of the earth" group

And then I went home.  Sorry, not that interesting of a week. Hopefully I'll be more used to working by next week and go do something.  Of course, hopefully something will be HAPPENING next weekend. :)

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