Saturday, November 21, 2015

Week 14: Fall leaves!

'Tis the season for maple leaves to turn a BRILLIANT red and for everyone else to go out and see them!
Sadly, the camera really doesn't capture the colors.
Monday, I had off (because school Saturday) so a friend and I went on a walk I discovered north of here. (Ah, google search, how I have used you so much here)  And it was cool! It was a BEAUTIFUL day, and most of it we hiked in our t-shirts still.

The hike runs along an abandoned railway line, so it runs through about 6 railway tunnels (for which we need to bring flashlights)

Thankfully, our phones double as flashlights, and fairly bright ones too!  I still managed to turn my ankle a few times. :P

However, it did make for some great views coming out!

so artistic.
inside the tunnel

and the area was BEAUTIFUL.

And we got to see some cool plants!
Most of the other leaves are still green, but the maple looks good!

this spiky thing is apparently in the legume family

fall flowers!
And I tried to stay out of trouble, though it called to me.
"don't climb the rocks"

"don't climb the ladder"

"don't go off trail"


But! overall, as mentioned, it was a beautiful day, and we had a lot of fun. :)

Worked hard during the week, but was glad it was a 4 day week.  (I'm so lazy!)  There was a change up! Normally on Tuesdays, I teach three 5th grade classes, well THIS week, I ALSO taught two 1st grade classes! :D  THEY WERE SO CUTE!!  My translator came along to help out so they could ask questions.  We worked on "hello, my name is" and I introduced my family, and then we played "rock, paper, scissors" :)  They thought it was great too, it's fun being the school superstar. :D

The rest of the week was normal.

I know people are wondering, I have not gotten a letter about my bike yet. When I mentioned this at church, a few people gave me a "whaaa?" look and advised me to just go to the impound lot, so I'll do that first chance I can.

As my bike is not here, I've been riding the train to school and doing a lot of walking, so my legs are being worked in a different way than biking, so those muscles are hurting again.  ::sigh:: I wish it were as simple as "Oh, my legs are strong now" but noooOOOooo, it's specific MUSCLES.

One interesting thing that happened in one school.  Apparently, using a squat toilet requires a little skill, and some of the kids are getting sloppy, so they've put this new sign next to the toilets

I especially loved the distressed poop at the top.
You know, it makes sense, but...still kinda funny. :)

Saturday, I heard about a ceramics festival in Kyoto, and I wanted to go! But I also heard about a bunch of people going to Minoo to see the fall leaves, and I wanted to go!  So I figured I could do both.

First Kyoto, I got off the train, and there was just this huge mass of people going one direction, so I figured, "Ok, I'll see what they're up to"
what's this?

There was NO getting closer

A temple!

Not the temple I was looking for, but quite lovely.
So after that, I went to the temple I WAS looking for
How lovely, right? and less people!

This symbolizes long life.

flowering bonsai!

no troll here!

a little tower hidden in the trees!

How's THIS for some leaf colors?

He was helping him find bugs, I think.
No ceramics though.  I enjoyed my walk, but I HAD come for the ceramics. I was quite disappointed.  Well...mildly disappointed, because it really was QUITE lovely.

And I did find a store selling ceramics, so I got one.

And in honor of the season, I got maple leaves on it!

Look at my cup! Isn't it pretty?

it doesn't raise the dead.  It does hold cocoa though!
After that, I hoofed it over to Minoo.  Well, ok, I rode the train over to Minoo.

Met some random people from the internet

And.... saw the leaves

more of 'em
Minoo is known for the maple leaves and the waterfall

not that one.

that one.

The plus side of traveling with people is you can ask them to take a picture for you.
I never mastered the selfie

They had some interesting food!  I tried the deer burger

needed pickles, but the horseradish helped make up for it.
and the Minoo specialty, deep fried maple leaves!

They're a thing
There IS in fact, a leaf in there, but I'll be honest, mostly you're eating the batter.  Which was really tasty.  Sesame and something.

After all that walking, I was TIRED and so we stopped in a foot onsen

best part was it being free
And trucked it on home.

All in all, a good week!  I'm still glad I don't have school Monday though! :D

(to those jealous I have had so many Mondays off, you'll be glad to know I don't have any more vacations until Christmas) :P

1 comment:

  1. Very cool! Thank you for sharing your experiences. Now I'm curious about deep fried maple leaves. Did the tunnels echo satisfyingly? :-)
