Saturday, November 7, 2015

Week 12: I got SICK

So, It's been an interesting week!  It got cold(er) so I actually started wearing my suit coats to school!

Due to various things (the temple trip included) I got sick, so I was very glad for a day off on Tuesday. (it was "culture day") and I just stayed in all day.  I had woken up with almost no voice, and by taking it easy, could talk by night.

Wednesday, I tried to do classes like always, but thanks to almost dying in front of one of my classes (I got a cough drop and could continue), a lot of comment cards from the kids included them asking if I was ok, or suggesting a face mask.

So, Thursday, I started sporting the very popular Japanese style.

Took me a while to figure out how to wear it so it didn't poke me in the eyes. I looked at other people with masks, and it turns out, my nose is simply sharper, so I had to wear my mask lower down than most people.

I sounded better Thursday, but had less energy, but that was ok, because for THIS school, these classes were having a flea market!  They had spent weeks getting their shops ready, making stuff to sell, working on their English, etc.  So all I had to do was review with them a little, and let them go. I set up my own shop, "Kim sensei's origami shop" and dealt with any kids that came to me.  I just made some rings and bookmarks and sold some English stickers.  Some of these kids were really into it!

2nd hand shop

sports shop
pet shop

you'll never guess

I just have to mention one thing though.

So, during the weeks of preparation, I would sometimes get bored just overseeing them, so I would occasionally grab a piece of origami paper, make something simple (usually a goldfish) and plop it on someone's desk.

So one group freaked OUT. The LOVED their fish. Over the weeks, I saw they made an aquarium out of blue paper for it. They put a paper rock in it. They gave it a COAT.  And come flea market day, they set it up in their "store". What threw me was, they were a SPORTS store.

look, it has a BACKGROUND
Turns out the sign says "Our pet fish _____-chan."  "translation software didn't catch the name) :D  I was just so tickled pink! :D

I excused myself from my store long enough to buy one of the books the kids had made.  See, any of the bookstore kids had ACTUALLY MADE BOOKS. and I figured I had to get one.

I have no idea what it's about
Only 4 papers long, but so CUTE

Some of the classes ended just a little early, so I led them in a rousing song of "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes".  After which, I would say goodbye, go into the hallway, and breath heavily as I reminded myself that I was, in fact, sick.

Friday, I got into school early, because I had some planning I had to do, just to have the principal pull me aside and say "By the way, you're not teaching 5th grade today, they're all going out. So, just the 2 sixth grade classes."  Well, ok, would have been NICE TO KNOW BEFORE.

What, do they have no idea they're going on field trips a week in advance?

Anyhow, because I only had 2 classes to teach, I got to take it a bit easy, rest, drink my liquids.

Get really bored.

someone said Turkey, but reminds me more of a grouse.
I put that out as a "this is what happens when I get bored" warning, but the principal saw it, thought it was fantastic, and pointed me towards the second pumpkin.

well ok then.
On the bright side, I was less bored.

Not much else to say.

I kept out of trouble for Saturday. I knew that if I went on an adventure, I'd just get sick halfway through and then a relapse and I didn't want to deal with that.

I did go shopping, so gentle bike ride.  The fall colors were lovely

And I ran into a small festival

But I'll be honest, I didn't stick around much.

Instead, I headed home and put socks on my chair.

Ok, hope next week is more exciting for everyone! :)

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