Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 13: Art festival!

Well, it was a LONG WEEK.

Not much to talk about though.

Oh, hey! You remember that Indian festival? Well, I did buy something from it. Though the clothes were tempting, what I ended up was getting some different curry packets!  The instructions were in English and Japanese, so I figured it wouldn't be too hard. Remembering the Japanese aversion to spicy food, I got mostly medium mixes, with a mild and a hot for variety.

Turns out they weren't Japanese/Indian mixes.  The mild was spicy and the medium is about as hot as I can stand it. :)  Not sure what I'm gonna do with the hot one...

Anyhow, one of the mixes I made this week was egg curry, which was interesting, because the first thing you do is boil eggs.  Then you fry them.

It said to fry them until golden brown, and I gotta say, I have never had so much trouble flipping over something in a frying pan before!

Still, an interesting experience.  Then I had a little debate with another English speaker as to whether I would call them "fried boiled eggs" Or "Boiled fried eggs".  He insisted it didn't matter. I insisted it did, and that I had made the first.  It ended as most internet arguments do, with both sides convinced they were right and no one caring. :)

The mix was for 4 servings, so that actually handled lunches for a few days.  My other staple here is my variation on the Spanish tortilla,
this is the 10 egg version

Otherwise known as the amazingly big omelet.  It's my variation, because when I suggested to some Spanish as to what the darn thing needed (re: cheese and garlic) they looked like I had suggested using phoenix eggs instead of chicken.

This week was loooooooong, one because I taught every class I was supposed to.  I know, I know, that's what I'm supposed to do, but it does make the week longer.

Plus, it was rainy and dreary, and that just sucks the life right out of me.

Also because I had school Saturday.

Art festival! The kids spent weeks getting ready for it!  I got to see the gradual putting together of each of their art projects and I gotta say, I was impressed!

The art festival (held in all three schools the same days) was actually Thursday through Saturday, so I got to see each school's set up!

I wandered around and took pictures of a lot of it, and got explanations where I could. I'll admit, for much of it, I was thinking "Hey, I bet I could do something like this with a class of my own in the future! :)

First grade. They made fake parfait's, AND cut out the snowflakes

vegetable prints

Birds make out of paper and plastic bottles!
They hung up and displayed all the stuff in the gymnasium in each of the schools with a sign explaining each section and grade level.  Of course, the explanations were all in Japanese, so it made it a little harder for me. :)

They made tree-fort homes including nature stuff they found on a walk

it's imagination plants!

Now THESE were awesome

They had wood shapes that they painted and fitted together however they wanted. You could really see the students trying to stretch themselves and take risks with their art here.

A lot of the art, I wasn't really a fan of it as ART, but...I liked it as a way of having the students expand their methods of self expression and challenge themselves to be different.  If that makes sense.

There were a few pieces I really liked. For instance, in the "two animals mixed as one", you had the penguin/peacock.

In the "fantasy plants, you had the happy daisy

The temple dog/lion thing

And of course, the glowing fish

Oh, and THIS is a fun idea I can see doing

Look at that! It's so involved! It's an egg! With an imaginary creature inside!  I would love to do this, and it would take lots of time and teach the kids to take their time on projects.  Which is something I always had trouble getting through to them.

Of course, some of it would not transfer over well, due to safety regulations in the US.

Such as having 3rd graders use a glue gun.

to make bugs!

And the 2nd graders using a utility knife

the teacher wielded the heat gun

And of course, the 5th graders using a jigsaw.


So on Saturday, I had to give two of the classes, and then after, the parents came in and the students got to present and explain their art projects to their class and the parents.

They looked so nervous! :D
And then I ate lunch

And when I finished, it was 12:00, and I couldn't leave the school until 4:00.


I had a book, but STILL

I up and wandered around the school randomly every once in a while because I was just so bored.

After, I showed my rebellion by going to the nearby mall instead of going home.  I got to admire the Christmas decorations

It's a felt tree DRESS


And eat food I didn't cook and marvel at the amazing prices of stuff I would never want to buy.  And it was a good end to a long week.

Mostly because it ended with me in bed.

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