Saturday, February 11, 2017

Week 75: But nothing HAPPENED

How am I supposed to talk about this week?!

It's late because I'm not sure how to talk about it!  Nothing really happened!

Wanna know WHY?

it happened.

Yes, after going to Nara, I got sick. In my defense I don't think it was going to Nara that got me.  It was just natural progression of illness.  They kept asking if I had the flu, and I'm like "NO. this is NOT the flu, this is 'slightly under the weather.'"  Mostly I wore the mask to keep my nose warm.

I kept my energy output down. I took the train instead of riding my bike (it was also too cold for that) I didn't go out after I got in after work. (except Monday, and that's the Chiropractor)

The schools still felt for me, Tuesday sent me home before lunch even!  I had finished my classes, and apparently looked like I was going to fall asleep at my desk.  Which I have done previously, but is harder to do with a runny nose.  :P

It's finally February!  I couldn't believe it took this long.  January just felt interminable for some reason.  February is interesting because it has Setsubun!

Setsubun is Feb 3, and it's the day you drive the Oni (ogres/demons) out of your house!  And the bad things from your life.  You do this by throwing soy beans at them!

small packages for your convenience

These are normally sold with an ogre mask for someone in the family (usually the dad) to wear, and the kids throw the soy beans at him and drive him from the house.  You also can eat an un-cut sushi roll and your age in soy beans.  I did neither of these.  Oh well. :)

Classes are interesting.  One of my 6th grades are doing "fairy tales".  One of the stories is "Hansel and Gretel" (I don't remember if I told you about this)  So on Tuesday they made scenes for their stories out of legos, and we took pictures of them!  Of course, because they are legos, some groups got most of their work done in the last 5 minutes.  You know, when the teacher says "Ok! 5 minutes!" and you go "CRUD I better DO SOMETHING".  :P   I think most of them are going to turn out fun.

It was cold again.  All week.  Which meant I did my best to keep warm with layers and layers and layers.

I know it's winter.  I'm still gonna whine about the cold.

Saturday, I did two things!  I'll tell you about one of them.  Rakugo!

So, Rakugo is Japanese humorous story telling.  Apparently it's especially a new year's tradition, but anyhow, there's a group in Osaka that specializes in English Rakugo!  I went last year, so when it came around this year, I was very excited!

It's great, because it's very dialogue based, so the story tellers have to rely on voices and facial expressions to get their points across.  Which means you have dignified Japanese people pulling the BEST faces ever. :D

This guy is over 80.  He started doing English Rakugo 10 years ago. Last year when he performed, he did a piece that required jogging on his knees!   He hopes to see the Olympics in 2020, and I don't doubt he'll make it!  He's also the BEST Rakugo I've seen, I love him.

I got a video of him doing most of his story, but my phone couldn't handle the WHOLE thing.  Still, the set up is that he's at a "Senior Pleasure Spa" Which basically means bath house, and doctor. :)

It's about 3 minutes long, and fantastic.

this guy's in charge of the group
every year he does an audience participation piece.

This is Kitty.  She's also an English teacher.

So it was several pieces and they were all fantastic!

Here's an example of switching between voices!

and there was food!

and socializing!

And it was fun!  I hope you're all doing well!

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