Saturday, May 14, 2016

Week 37: It's not rainy season yet....

but it sure is acting like it!

So, not much to talk about this week. (no, really)

The internet says that rainy season is June to mid-July, and that scares me a little, because it sure LOOKS like rainy season now.  If this isn't it, what's it gonna BE like?!

But yeah, it rained.

One thing I love about here is how open the schools are.

It rained for three days straight.

Lake or school yard, you decide.

And of course, I rode my bike to school, which means I got to wear my oh-so-stylish rain gear. (I'll get a picture of it as soon as I can find someone to take it.)

On the bright side, people just wear rain gear around here. No one looks twice at someone slipping on rain pants over a suit or a skirt by the side of the road if it starts raining.  They also have places to hang rain gear, and LOTS of umbrella holders for the kids.

Which I swear I've taken a picture of, but I cannot find it for the life of me. ::sigh::

But they're really prepared for rain here!  There's lots of room for the streams and rivers to flood,

this gets much deeper in rainy season.

There are drain off ditches EVERYWHERE

most DON'T have a deer in them.

Everyone owns at least one umbrella

love seeing a row of school kids go along with these.

People carry emergency umbrellas on their bikes

I don't use it much, because it has a hole or two in it, but good for emergencies.

and they even have protection for the little ones you might be carrying on the bikes!

also good for blocking wind, cold and noise.

Rain is such a regular, expected thing, they are PREPARED for it here.

It kinda makes me think of Quincy, when we hit -10.  Everyone was all "oh! It's so cold! It's SO COLD" and I was wandering around in my Alaska gear like "what? I'm fine" and they were all looking at me like I had lost my mind and I couldn't help but think "I'm the one who's warm. What'chu staring at ME for?"  :D

Then, without warning, Thursday morning, it cleared up.



And got warmer.  Still, I remind myself that it IS spring, and I should just be glad it isn't a Jungle here as well. :)

Saturday, I did not go out.  I stayed around and was an adult.  I had been letting the room creep in on me (as happens really fast in a room this small)  and so I cleaned. I took out the trash, I swept AND mopped, I did ALL my laundry and all my dishes, I went shopping and paid ALL my bills (ouch) and then I made meals.

I just got paid, so I also treated myself to a couple bread-products the local grocery store does REALLY well.... :)

And, yeah! Not much happened this week!  But I didn't drown, so that was nice. :)

Love you all!

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