Sunday, March 27, 2016

Week 30: I DID warn you.

So! I tried to save money this week by staying in!  It...kinda worked.

I was all ready too!  I had computer games, and food and everything! 

I did manage to leave the room at least once a day. 

I helped the missionaries with their English class they have every Tuesday. 

I started getting out to go for a jog.  I won't say that was nice, because now everything hurts.  Now, I have told many people this, but I listen to a program when I jog.  It's called "Zombies, Run!"  It is like a radio show based in a post-apocalyptic world, where you're a "runner" and you help by picking up supplies and stuff.  In between story bites, it plays music off your playlist.  Sometimes, during the music, the computer will inform you that zombies are approaching, and if you don't speed up by about 40% for 30-60 seconds, you will be "eaten" and lose points.  It's lots of fun, especially as, in the story, you're a really good runner. So you can be limping along, being out raced by local turtles, but the people in your ears are going "Yeah! You're the best runner! Look at you go!" :D

Anyhow, so I got out and I was like "It's been a while, but if I take my time, I'm SURE I can do one mile."

Almost made it, and was like "nope, nope, can't jog ANY more."

I took 5 steps walking.  FIVE.  "Zombies approaching"

"AAAAHHH!!" runrunrunrunrun

"You have run one mile."

"Zombies evaded." 

Ah, incentive.  Guess I COULD run one mile.  Did not make it that far the next day. I got eaten. :P

Friday, I went on a temple trip!  We had a bigger bus this time, and I don't remember much of it.

It was a stake trip.

I was one of the lucky few that got two seats to myself, which was really good because I do NOT sleep sitting up well.  Yes, it was an overnight trip.  Tokyo is an 8-9 hour bus ride away, so when we go, we go at night, drive overnight, arrive at around 6 ish, which is nice because it's enough time to spruce up, get food and do general stretching so we feel alive again.  I don't really sleep well on buses or planes period.  At least as long as I can't afford first class, fully-reclining seats. :P

Getting food in Japan is easier though.  The vending machines!

see that?! That's REAL FOOD

and the rest-stops are much more elaborate and nice too.

It was like a mini-mall! Every single one we stopped at was like that!  I was impressed.

So we made it, it was a long trip, I was exhausted, I enjoyed the temple, and then we left at 1:30 to drive back.  (and I didn't get my two seats on the way back)

So now I am dead.  DEAD.

But! The best part of this weekend! 


1 comment:

  1. Some weeks are like that. Thank you for writing anyway.
