Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 58: What an interesting week!

Well, last Saturday was Sports day, so I had Monday off.  Which I totally wasted.  I was going to do...stuff. Instead, I just kinda slept and chatted with family.  I didn't feel TOO bad about it though.  Sometimes you need a break, and I've been feeling tired lately.

It didn't help that the weather wasn't good, and hasn't been good on my break days for a while.  Getting laundry done is a little hard lately.

Tuesday was English class at the church.  I know, I know, I teach English the rest of the week.  But this time allows for more socialization, which is very important as well.  And I'm not in charge of the class, which is a nice change. :P

Anyhow, the missionaries are in charge of the classes, and one was going home this week, so they threw him a "going away" party!

We sang a song

And because we have a Hawaiian couple

Japanese candy lei!

And the most important part!

costco pizza! :D

The fact that it is Costco pizza is important. Because that means it is not JAPANESE pizza.  And there is no corn.

On Wednesday, we had a typhoon come through.  When I got to school, they let me know that MAYBE school after lunch would be cancelled.  Well, it got cancelled a little earlier than that, a full hour before lunch, school was cancelled and all the students were sent home.  After lunch, I was sent home as well.  (they were quite insistent)

ooOOOoo, scary.

Now, I realize that Typhoons are judged by wind rather than rain.  If you look at the grass next to the road, you can see that the wind isn't blowing. Like at all.

Later on, it finally rained some.

still went grocery shopping

And finally, around 5, we got...some wind.  Frankly, another letdown of a Typhoon. :P

I'll take it though, because Thursday and Friday were just BEAUTIFUL days.  I called them "Goldilocks days" because it wasn't too hot, it wasn't too cold, and...I just didn't want to be in school. :P


I've been fighting a bit of a headache and fatigue lately.  I've taken good care of the headache, so it's gotten better, but how do you fix fatigue?  Very annoying.  Friday, I actually took a nap at my desk after lunch!  I was still a little tired after school but...I wasn't going to go back to sleep. Tired or not, I had PLANS.

Osaka Lindy Exchange!

It was certainly more crowded this year than last year.

no pictures of me. too busy dancing.

I think I can definitely say that most of my dancing is muscle memory anymore.  A full year without dancing, and I slipped right back into it!  And I'm not in bad shape!  I danced almost the full 3 hours!  (couple of stops because ouch)  The only real problem with there being more people this year is...well, let's just say that I'm developing a couple of bruises on my feet. :P

"why would you go dancing if you're tired?"  I can hear you ask.  Well, for one thing, dancing is my Panacea. Cures everything.  Secondly, there's a difference between fatigue and tired.  (though it's hard to tell sometimes)  sometimes, when I'm consistently fatigued, I need something to drag me out of it, and I'll have energy again.  And that was the case this time! :)

Saturday, my festival friend who moved up to Yokohama came down to Osaka!  

Not to visit me, no. 

She wanted to go to Universal Studios again, she's a Harry Potter nut.  :P  I went with her anyhow.

Since it's almost Halloween, they had after dark stuff, like...zombies.

if you buy this necklace, it means you are accepting to join in the show. :P

There was other stuff to see too!  We went back to the children's building area.

Our Masterpiece!

And went to Harry Potter world.

decorated for Halloween

Owl Post!

And they had added another "Hogwarts show"

magic show!  

I really liked this, because they had added more Japanese students.

We had lunch

the "Halloween feast" Way more food than we should have ordered.

dessert! I gotta learn how to make a treacle tart...

There were areas where, if you bought a special wand, you could "do magic" (yes, you had to buy this SPECIFIC WAND. The other wands wouldn't work)  There was an entire group of cosplayers, and I gotta admit, I was impressed!



...Voldemort?!  Great mask.
There were some in this group that didn't use the wand.

Dumbledore hanging with death eaters...

Can't have Voldemort without Bellatrix!

GREAT Draco, look at the dedication!

We also checked out the Jurassic Park.

And then, as the sun had set, the zombies came out.

really hard to get good pictures at night

They lurched through the streets, and people had fun screaming and running away.  The people I was with didn't really want to mess with them, so...I didn't. And because they are performers, they understood the "I'm really not interested in interacting" vibe I was putting off and left me alone.

One of the others laughed because a "chainsaw zombie" lunged near me, and I just kinda reared back a little and excused myself past him.

Later, one lunged at a person walking in front of me, then turned his grimace at me and I gave a little wave and said "hi" and passed on.

You have fun your way, I have it mine. :P

And of course, if you have zombies lurching the streets....

Because of course! :)

(It's a re-mix of Thriller)  The way they threw themselves on the ground at times, I really hope they had elbow and knee pads on under their outfits.

In all, it was a fun time.  We were a little depressed, because we heard that in Potter-world, they would have Death Eaters instead of Zombies, and so they limited the number of people who could go in, and we couldn't enter to see the death eaters. :(

Now everything hurts, and I'm tired, and I feel GREAT! :)

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