Saturday, September 3, 2016

Week 52: Summer camp!

So, after a leisurely weekend to recover from traveling, I started Summer camp!

Monday morning, I walked in, dead tired and feeling a little grumpy we had to show up so early.  Everyone was stumbling around a little.
Someone jokingly said "we should do an energy up activity!"  We shot them down pretty quick.

Then one looked at my glower and said "I don't know, you might need one."

And I said "When the kids get here, I'll put on my mask.  You don't get it."

And when the kids came, I did.  I'll admit, I feel cheerful when I act cheerful, but I was tired and wasn't going to waste energy on co-workers first thing in the morning, in case I ran out before the kids left at the end of the day. :P

The day was pretty easy, everyone had a partner they taught with, and mine was pretty cool.  We taught "What do you want to eat?"  Well, technically it was "I want to eat/I don't want to eat" but it really does work better with a question/answer format.  So we threw it in there.

After that, we had a short break and then taught crafts.  We made paper birds.

It's a masterpiece!

they worked hard.  It was cute.

And then it was lunch. (and break!)

After lunch we did "international time" in which we introduced where we were from.  (so it was your introduction lesson over and over and over.)

And then we got ready for the showcase at the end of the week!  Each group. (10 groups, 6 kids per group, so really easy to handle) had to do some sort of performance.  I told my kids they could choose between 1) Sally the Camel and 2) Bingo.  They were split RIGHT down the middle, so I taught them BOTH songs and figured they could duke it out later.  Of course, the main reason I taught them both songs is because they're really easy and we had TIME.  Then we had time for me to teach them a game.

It's a silly little "pass the slap" game you can play, where you put both hands on the ground and then slap one hand on the floor, and pass the motion around the circle.  If someone slaps twice, the motion reverses direction.  These kids LOVED it.  They taught it to others. They played it all the time.  If we had a few minutes free time, I could always find a group of kids playing it.  :)

some got "out"

Then we read them a story, everyone said goodbye and they left.  And we were free!

Since the camp was so far away from our place, 5 of us stayed at the camp, which was a hotel.  I got my own room!  (YAY) and dinner was a buffet

with a FONDUE fountain.

And it was a wonderful chance to socialize with others.  (while still being able to escape to my room)

We did something together every night.  First night, three of us decided to walk to the grocery store.  Which was 30 minutes away.  (wow)  The entertaining part of that was when we hit the highway.  It was two lanes each direction and a nice big metal barrier between.  When we got to it, the other two were saying "I don't see a crossing spot.  Maybe it's that way?  Maybe we should go back?"

And I said "there's a break in the traffic.  We could run for it."

Them "Well...."

Me "Are we going to do it?"

Them "...."

Me "I'm going"

And I took off jogging.  Behind me I hear "KIM!"

And we didn't die.

We had to do it again on the way back.

Tuesday, we all stayed in and played card games, that eventually became really silly when people started cheating. :P

Wednesday, we went on a walk again, this time we did NOT go as far as the highway, but we did find the PROPER way across the highway.  It was a tunnel.  Which for some reason I could only think of calling "underbridge" and they grabbed onto that phrase and adopted it. :P

Thursday, we went out early to the local "this is what we're famous for" building, and it turns out they're famous for tools.

sharp things! 
beautiful but expensive.

I keep saying I want to get a good Japanese knife, but I have to think of which knife I need.  If I just got what I wanted, I'd only have a kitchen full of Chef's knives.... because they're pretty.

and I had Miso Ice cream!

oddly tasty.

And I found out what black garlic is.

it's garlic that has been aged for 30 days. yum.

Meanwhile, in camp, I was getting tired of making paper birds.

it's a finch
it's a Kiwi

And Friday we did presentations!

I don't have a picture of me up there.

I really liked mine.  We settled on Bingo, and I had the AUDIENCE join in for the letters and the clapping.

After, we got together for photos

We're torn between wanting to stay together and wanting to get out.

And a small snack.

very small.

And you know what?  Not much else happened!  You know what I did Saturday?!  NOTHING.  Sunday either!  And it was GOOD.

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