Saturday, February 20, 2016

Week 25: Takarazuka!

So this week was pretty quiet.  I mean, stuff happened, but it was mostly normal.

Monday, I was observed by the vice president of the Board of Education.  That was entertaining, because, as far as I can tell, this normally doesn't happen.  The kids were a little nervous, I could tell because when I asked for answers or participation, I got very little.  "I can swim?" eager look, no hands. "No?!"

"I can play the recorder?" (they can ALL play the recorder, it's required for music for them.) "NO?!"

"I can eat?....NO?!"

I looked at the teacher.  "Ok, tomorrow? No lunch.  They can't eat, so no lunch."

I finally got them with "I can play video games."  They all raised their hands for that. :)

I can understand the nervousness.  For one thing, the vice president lady came in, stood in the back and crossed her arms, looking very serious.  She had someone with her, (might have been the principal, I don't see him often) There was my translator, Tomo sensei, and lurking outside the classroom was the vice principal, looking in the windows!  And since the windows on the classrooms look like THIS

Only the curtains are usually open.

We could ALL SEE HIM. :P 

I was a little nervous, but that translated into manic energy, so I just looked more energetic.  By the end, she was smiling, and I'm told she was repeating along with the class, and the other teachers say she said I did well. :D  (yay!)

So, whew.  Oh, and Tuesday was awesome!  I got to see the 6th graders to a concert for their parents!

That's right. those are ACCORDIONS.

Each class played a different piece, and they were really complex pieces!  I was impressed with the kids, but even more with the music teacher!  And she had the kids in charge of the presentation and stuff, the ONLY thing the teacher did was go out and conduct. The kids presented the music piece and everything!  I have a video of it, but it's too big to go on this site.  Maybe I'll put it on youtube.

ANYHOW, I was impressed, as you'll notice, no sheet music. I had seen them practice. They learned from sheet music, then they memorized it! (We're talking 3 minute music pieces here.)

OH! You can't play the RECORDER can you?! HA!

But it was great, and I loved it.

Thursday was parents day for that grade level, so one of my classes was taught with a bunch of mothers in the back of the classroom.  It was pretty easy though, because the teacher had arranged it so it was the day for the students to present the English project they had been working on for the last 4 weeks.  They did pretty well!

Nervous, of course.

I went in and started our normal routine at first "Good Afternoon class!"

"Good afternoon class." They responded.


"KIM SENSEI" I said, pointing to myself.

They laughed and then we got it right.

The mothers seemed pretty impressed with how quickly they could sing "Bingo"  (I've been upping the speed every week)

And the presentations went well! I just sat in the back, took notes and tried not to fall asleep.

Saturday, I went up to Takarazuka!  Takarazuka means two things.  One, it is a small town near here that is famous for its hot springs.  Two, it is famous for Takarazuka theater, which originated here.

YEARS ago (102 specifically) a hot spring owner decided that to bring in more customers, he was going to put on an "all girl show" (Not that kind!) And so he did! and it was POPULAR, and it has become a huge thing.  There are 5 troops total, that shuffle through the various theaters they own.  (one setup is in Tokyo, the other is still based in Takarazuka)  They are a chorus review, so they take various stories and set them to music.  Stories you wouldn't think would be set to music.  Like "Scarface"  And "War and Peace" And "The Great Gatsby".   Actually, I can see the last one as a musical.  Anyhow! I saw Rurouni Kenshin!

It's a manga (and anime. and live action movie) about an assassin/super warrior who got tired of all the killing and traveled the countryside, trying to find himself.  He carries a katana with the blade on the TOP of the sword, so he can't kill unless he purposefully turns the sucker around.  (and that totally messes up the swing too)  I've loved it for a long time, and I gotta say, it was really funny watching my favorite sword slinging character wandering around the stage singing. :)

It was overdone in the wonderful way that musicals are, and the sword fights were actually pretty good, but it was obvious they were dance choreography. :)  The thing is, that the show has stayed true to its origins in that it is STILL an all female cast.  So, half the ladies dress up as guys, and I gotta tell you, they are pretty cool looking.  And they are GREAT tenors.

I didn't understand it, as it was all in Japanese, but as I already knew the story, I didn't mind much.

No. I didn't get pictures. I'm sorry, they were really against that.

 Here's a great link to see the character introduction though. It's pretty awesome.

I figured, maybe I could get a DVD and show people that!

the Blue ray says it's $108
The DVD is $86.40

So that didn't happen.  Besides, they didn't have Kenshin out yet.

One of the best parts was at the very end, after the story was over, and then they did the dance review portion!  They had some awesome singing and dancing (that had nothing to do with the story, let's be honest) and even a kick line!  And everyone was so SPARKLY.  They all had glitter on their clothes, but one character always was completely COVERED in sequins, so with the spotlight on them, they looked like a disco ball!

And at the end, they took their bows, the main characters had these GIANT tail fans!  Hang on, this isn't from my show, but it's tradition, so this is LIKE what I saw.


I mean, REALLY. That main character's feathers DOUBLE her height!  and that tail!  When she bowed, it was all WHOOSH, and I'm amazed she got back up!

I loved this show!  It was GREAT, and they portrayed the characters SO well!  My co-teacher, who took me because she's SUCH a Takarazuka fan, and LOVED the main actress, didn't like this show as much.  Specifically, she didn't like the main character much.  I thought about it, and I think I understand.  Usually a dark and tortured past is covered by a cool and confident mask.

Kenshin covers his with comedy.

That's probably why I love him so much. :D

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