Sunday, October 25, 2015

Week 10: Wait, you can buy that?

I gotta say, this has been a beautiful month.

I have ridden my bike to work every day this whole month.  EVERY DAY.  The weather has been THAT nice.

I have been informed by one of my principals that this is unusual. That usually October is liberally peppered with Typhoons, especially on the weekends.  They all have sports festivals in October, and this is the first time in YEARS they haven't had to deal with the overhanging threat of rain.  While I would like to see a nice typhoon (the only one I went through, I nicknamed "the big drizzle") I am also enjoying this lovely weather.

It's getting crisp too!  I can tell because

1) I am no longer dying of heat and

2) everyone is putting on their coats and scarves.

I have yet to don long sleeves, though I will admit to wearing my short jacket one day.

I had previously been informed by my boss that when my school switches to winter wear I need to start wearing a suit coat, however, I know that schools have changed to their winter uniforms ONLY because I've noticed it on the way to school some mornings. None of my schools wear uniforms.  I'm wondering how long I can get away with not wearing a suit coat.....


As mentioned by those who follow me on facebook, I was very sad this week.  AND nothing really happened. Lots of preparing for Halloween, but, you know, nothing much. So, this week is going to be "wait, you can buy that?"

Let's start with Halloween coming!  In honor of this, the nearby mall has set up the Halloween tree!
As I was watching, a mom brought her kids dressed up in costume and took pictures of them next to the Halloween tree. :)  The kids really seem to like it, now to introduce Trick or Treating!

You can, of course, buy a pumpkin
Why yes, that DOES say $26.
But they cost a bit.  Don't think I'll be carving this year.

Now, as mentioned, winter is coming along, and it's getting cold. Maybe you need a warm hat.
And it's seasonal!
And don't forget the sweaters!
it was so warm and fuzzy, I almost overlooked the cat.
 And, of course, you can't wear sandals anymore. Time to wear some shoes (darnit!)
and if you wear shoes, you need socks!
how do you CHOOSE?!
Now you're warm and comfy!  But then, what if you don't WANT to look like you're cold?

Goodness knows, you can't look comfortable AND be fashionable, right?

You need to layer, right?
They're little shorts!
Time to get yourself a belly warmer!  Gotta keep your core warm!

Well, you're all warm and comfy, time to get ready for school!

You're gonna need a backpack.  The iconic Japanese Elementary backpack is called a Randoseru.

They were originally all black, and according to Charles, just 15 years ago, they tried to expand the colors to include dark brown, but found that the students with dark brown backpacks were getting teased.

This has now changed, they are found in SO many colors.

Some of the girls' has bling, and lots are cartoon character themed.

 They are a bit pricey though.
$368 for a KID'S BACKPACK?!
This is the CHEAPEST backpack I could find ON SALE.  They go up to around $700, and if you look at the picture above this one, a purple was going for just $495.

 They last the entire time of Elementary school, and usually will be kept past that. (some have since passed them down to their children, I hear)  Or, of course, you can buy a knockoff.

Then you need study materials, like flash cards!
they're themed?
And of course, you need to keep your papers in a folder!
It was 2 weeks before I realized how snarky my folder was.
Now it's time to think of food!
This isn't odd food, I just liked the picture of the guy.
Disney themed soy sauce!
Barbecue sauce. I just... I broke out laughing in the grocery store.
You know, let's just have pasta.
maybe not THAT much pasta.
Ok, fine, we'll go out for dinner.
What IS a salad viking?
Fine, ok, dinner is over with, let's talk dessert.
Let's try fruit,
I hate bruised bananas.

You know, it's not sweet enough, let's have something else. I'm thinking roasting marshmallows,

No, wait, I have an induction stove. I can't roast marshmallows.

Let's have soda!
Melon soda, apparently
I like my soda with Popcorn, and luckily, you can get that at a vending machine here!
Hello Kitty popcorn!

Well, you know, they have some pretty good desserts at the local grocery store bakery, let's check that out.
Black eel shaped.

You know, I'm trying to cut back on sweets....I think I'll just skip dessert today.


  1. So what were the black eel shaped things at the bakery?
    I'm sure they think some of the things a Japanese can get here are pretty weird, too. Here's to diversity in taste and culture!

    1. oh, they were like big chocolate covered creme puffs. I AM trying to cut back on sweets though, so I didn't end up getting one, though it was tempting. Fun thing, the pants are called Fuwafuwa? So, fuwa means "fluffy" so the shorts are "fluffy fluffy pants"! I love it! I think I might get a pair. :)
